Friday 8 August 2014

The Hotel Room

I'm laying on a bed in a hotel listening to my dad snoring and people running down corridors. Don't get me wrong I love the hotel and the bed is really comfy but I am so tired from the 4 hour journey, and long day at 3 different history museums. Me and my family (plus some close family friends) have been in France for 14 days. We stayed in one area 1 night and then spent nearly two weeks in a lovely house where we enjoyed a lot of good BBQS, curtesy of the dad's, and a lot of sun. Now we are spending 2 nights in Caens to see a lot of history things to commemorate the war. My point is my family my drive me up the wall with the snoring, moaning and lovey dovey scenes in the car but this holidays been better than I expected. It has been fun packed and relaxing.  I have loved it and my family and even though I have spent two weeks with minimal internet it ha been a small price to pay for what a good time I have had without it. ๐ŸŒ…❤️๐Ÿ’ค

                 Xx Freya Owen xx
                      ร‰lan Beauty

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