Sunday 6 April 2014

TMI Tag.

Hi. It's me obviously. Hope your all good, I am. Anyway sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately been busy. This post is gonna be the TMI Tag which if you don't know what that means is too much information. Hope you like this post and the video on my channel. It's me obviously. Hope your all good, I am. Anyway sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately been busy. This post is gonna be the TMI Tag which if you don't know what that means is too much information. Hope you like this post and the video on my channel. 

1. What are you wearing? Camouflage Shirt- Primark, Vest- Primark, Slipper Sock- Primark. Leggings- M&S, Crochet Crop Top- M&S.

2. Ever been in love? Not really but of course I have dated.

3. Ever had a terrible breakup? No never had any cheating or anything like that.

4. How tall are you? Nearly 5 foot 5 inch.

5. How much do you weigh? Not telling LOL.

6. Any tattoos? Too young.

7. Any piercings? Ears.

8. OTP (One True Pairing: what's your favourite fictional couple). Demand and Alena.

9. Favourite show? I have 3, Vampire Diaries, Revolution and The Tomorrow People.

10. Favourite bands? 1D and 5SOS.

11. Something you miss? My friends. I go to a different school to all my old friends and  I wan to see them more.

12. Favourite song? XO by Beyonce 

13. How old are you? Nearly 12.

14. Zodiac sign? Taurus.

15. Quality you look for in a partner?  I like boyfriends to be funny. 

16: Favourite Quote? Treat people how you want to be treated.

17: Favourite actor? Sandra Bullock.

18: Favourite colour?  In clothes Black and Dark Green obviously separate. But out side of that dark blue.

19: Loud music or soft? Loud.

20: Where do you go when you're sad?  Either my room or I like to go gym if it's open.

21: How long does it take you to shower?  If I am washing my hair 20 min if not 10 min. 

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? School day- 15min Otherwise- 30min I know right girl.

23: Ever been in a physical fight? Never, Even I'm surprised,

24: Turn on? Hair that Flicks. LOL 

25: Turn off? Disrespectful. 

26: The reason I joined YouTube? I was inspired by other youtubers. Like- Lyss Ryann - YouTube Bethany Mota - YouTube  Zoella - YouTube

27: Fears? Spiders.

28: Last thing that made you cry? Looking at messages from the last day of primary school with all my friends.

29: Last time you said you loved someone? My dad.

30: Meaning behind your YouTube/Blogging Name? Elan is my middle name and it's a beauty channel.

31: Last book you read? No Ordinary Love Song By Alison Prince.

32: The book you're currently reading? There Is No Dog By Meg Rosoff.

33: Last show you watched? Revolution.

34: Last person you talked to? In real life my sister Tia.

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Abbie one of my best friends.

36: Favourite food? Water Melon.

37: Place you want to visit? California.

38: Last place you were? Cornwall

39: Do you have a crush? Kinda a little bit and NO I'm not telling.

40: Last time you kissed someone? In last relationship.

41: Last time you were insulted? When me and my friends were messing around joking. 

42: Favourite flavour of sweet? Water melon, obviously. 

43: What instruments do you play? Have a guitar and keyboard. But I can't play them.

44: Favourite piece of jewellery?  A necklace. It is long and has charms at the bottom.  

45: Last sport you played? Rugby, on Monday out teacher made us. :( hope she don't read this.

46: Last song you sang? Green Day – The Forgotten Green Day- The Forgotten. 

47: Favourite chat up line? I don't use chat up lines so I don't know many but here goes are you Google cause your all I've been searching for.  

48: Have you ever used it? NEVER.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Monday.

50: Who should answer these questions next? You Guys. 

Hope you all liked it and that you got to know me more. blog again soon. Love you all.
xx Freya Owen xx
Elan Beauty

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